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Body Hair Transplant


Experience Astonishing Transformations with Body Hair Transplant

Body Hair Transplantation: All You Need to Know

Body hair transplant surgeries are increasingly prevalent amongst patients who have a wealth of body hair but lack sufficient scalp hair in the donor area for transplantation. Presently, numerous patients with a broad balding recipient area and minimal scalp donor hair are wondering if hair from their bodies can be implanted into their balding scalp area.

Indeed! Hair from the pubic area, underarms, chest, beard, and other body areas can be utilised for body hair transplants. Apart from hair from the back of the scalp, the most suitable graft for transplantation on the scalp is beard hair, followed by chest hair.

However, body hair transplantation has limitations due to the type and texture of body hair, which can differ from scalp hair in curliness, texture, and growth cycle.

As a result, you cannot implant body hair in the area around the hairline. Additionally, body hair does not always respond in the same way as scalp hair. However, our hair transplant UK professionals are well aware of these facts and are incredibly skilled in how to combine scalp and body hair in an ideal way to achieve complete coverage.

Are you distressed by severe baldness? Do you fear that a limited donor supply may hinder your hair transplant? If your answer is affirmative, we have some exciting news for you. Our Body Hair Transplant service offers hair transplant treatment for individuals with a limited donor supply, utilising their own body hair. Our team of accomplished surgeons employs the state-of-the-art Direct Hair Transplant technique for BHT, a process that is swift, virtually painless, and consistently yields natural-looking, pleasing results.


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Witness to the Incredible Before & After Results of Body Hair Transplants.

Our highly-qualified and experienced doctors skillfully harvest and transplant body hair, restoring fullness and confidence beyond expectations.

Leverage our innovative body hair transplant surgery to embrace miraculous transformation!

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Who are the Ideal Candidates for Body Hair Transplant?

A body hair transplant is required for Norwood Grade 6 or Norwood Grade 7 baldness patients seeking full scalp coverage in one appointment. Next, patients who have retrograde thinning in the donor scalp must rely on body hair for sufficient coverage. Finally, patients who have endured unsuccessful hair transplants with a limited scalp donor may have to rely on body hair to cover the scalp.

Benefits of Having Body Hair Transplant

  • Globally-acclaimed surgeons with a speciality in body hair transplantation.
  • Benefit from the Direct Hair Transplant Technique (DHT), a refined version of FUE.
  • See your natural hair rejuvenated from as early as 7 months.
  • Receive top-tier advice and support from our adept surgical team.
  • Procedure completed within a single day.
  • Our hair transplant success rate is near impeccable.

How is a Body Hair Transplant Performed?

We present to you the ultimate body hair transplant experience, right from your initial consultation. As you step into our world-class facility, you will witness our unwavering commitment to excellence. We set the standard for state-of-the-art technology and precision with our cutting-edge medical equipment.

What Techniques Are Used for Body Hair Transplantation?

Body hair transplants can be done through FUE/DHT procedures. Here, for minimal scarring, the surgeon needs to utilise a sharp serrated punch. To pick only quick-growing grafts, the chest must be shaved seven days before surgery. Since body hair varies in texture and calibre, it must be mixed in evenly to prevent standing out.

Aftercare for Body Hair Transplant:

The success of your body hair transplant depends on your scalp’s ability to heal. Following the treatment, your doctor will provide you with a detailed list of instructions on how to care for your scalp in the ensuing weeks to ensure the best possible outcomes, the first 48 hours of which will be the most crucial. You must ensure your scalp is moisturised during this period and that your head is kept straight and unmoved, especially while you sleep.

Key Tips to Remember Before Opting for a Body Hair Transplant Procedure

  • Consultation First: Always start with a comprehensive consultation with a reputable hair specialist.
  • Realistic Expectations: Understand that results vary; maintain realistic expectations about the outcomes.
  • Research Your Surgeon: Ensure your chosen surgeon has a proven track record and appropriate credentials.
  • Understand the Methods: Familiarise yourself with FUE, DHT, and other transplant techniques to make an informed choice.
  • Post-Procedure Care: Be prepared for aftercare; follow guidelines diligently for optimal results.
  • Avoid Harsh Treatments: Steer clear of hair treatments, dyes, or chemicals in the weeks leading up to the procedure.
  • Limit Alcohol and Smoking: Reduce alcohol intake and refrain from smoking at least a week prior.
  • Health Check: Inform your surgeon about any medications or health conditions you have.
  • Budget Appropriately: Hair transplants can be costly; ensure you’ve budgeted for the procedure and potential follow-ups.
  • Patience is Key: Results aren’t instantaneous. Give your scalp time to heal and your hair to grow.
  • Avoid Sun Exposure: Protect the scalp from direct sun exposure after the procedure.
  • Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to clarify any doubts with your surgeon; it’s essential to feel confident and informed.
  • Embrace the Journey: Hair transplant is not just a procedure, but a journey towards renewed confidence. Embrace the process.

Body Hair Transplant Cost

The cost of a body hair transplant might vary from patient to patient and is determined by how extensive the procedure is.

In order to receive a precise cost estimate, you must visit our facility.

There your every question regarding the hair transplant process and its cost will be addressed in detail by one of our skilled doctors.

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Frequently Asked Questions

If you require more information on body hair transplant, please read our most frequently asked questions:

Body Hair Transplant involves harvesting hair follicles from body areas like the chest or beard to restore hair on the scalp. It is suitable for patients with inadequate scalp donor hair, offering a viable solution to achieve natural and abundant hair growth.

Although it is technically conceivable, it is highly improbable that a surgeon would ever utilise leg hair as donor hair follicles for a hair transplant. Leg hair differs from scalp hair in a variety of aspects, including colour and structure, making it challenging to achieve the same outcomes as a conventional hair transplant.

If you are considering a body hair transplant or any other type of hair transplant, you might be concerned about potential discomfort. You may experience slight discomfort during the application of the numbing agent. You might also feel a little sore while your scalp recovers after the procedure, although most patients report minimal discomfort throughout the procedure.

With our advanced DHT technique, scarring is minimal and virtually undetectable. Our skilled doctors perform the procedure with precision, ensuring that you can embrace your new hair without worrying about visible scars.

Our world-class clinic boasts state-of-the-art medical equipment and offers best-in-class services adhering to global standards. With a nearly 100% success rate, we prioritise your satisfaction, making us the preferred choice for Body Hair Transplant.

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