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FUE – Follicular Unit Extraction


Restore Your Self-confidence with FUE Hair Transplant

What is Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE Hair Transplant?

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) refers to a method of hair transplant surgery in which clusters of healthy hair follicles are delicately extracted, typically from the back or sides of the head, and repositioned into areas of the scalp affected by balding or thinning.

In this procedure, a surgeon meticulously removes each hair follicle individually utilising a specialised tool known as an FUE punch trumpet. This implement creates minute punctures to secure grafts of skin that encompass 1-4 hair follicles. To prevent eliciting hair transplant trypophobia, the diameter of the punch trumpet is typically kept under 1mm.

FUE hair transplant technique can yield impressively natural results (as can be seen in our before-and-after gallery) and is well-regarded for its minimal recovery times and negligible scarring.

How does Follicular Unit Extraction Technique Differ from Follicular Unit Transplant?

The primary difference between Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) lies in the method of extracting the hair follicles.

In the FUT method, the surgeon removes an entire strip of donor skin from the back of the head and subsequently extracts the hair follicles from this strip. This particular process can leave a very distinct and noticeable linear scar along the rear of the head.

Contrarily, in the FUE technique, individual groups of hair, usually containing between one and four strands, are directly extracted from the scalp and relocated to the desired area, carefully mirroring the natural growth pattern. The FUE method typically leaves little to no visible scarring on the scalp.

The recovery period also constitutes a significant distinction between the two methods. With FUE hair transplants, the process involves minimal bleeding, and recovery is usually achieved within a week, with negligible side effects. On the other hand, FUT, due to the excision of an entire strip of the scalp, often demands weeks for the scars to properly heal.

In terms of overall results, FUE hair transplants are often considered superior, offering a high-quality, natural appearance to the hair, and outweighing the outcomes of FUT hair transplants.


What is the Procedure for FUE Hair Transplant?

An FUE hair transplant is a precise procedure that involves extracting and transplanting groups of one to four hairs, typically to the balding region of the scalp.

Extraction Phase: Initially, your surgeon will trim the hair in the area where the follicles are to be removed, as well as around the transplant region. Utilising a specialised extraction instrument less than 1mm in diameter, the surgeon will carefully extract groups of between one and four hairs. These clusters are generally taken from the sides of the head or the back of the neck.

Placement Phase: Following extraction, your surgeon will proceed to make a series of minute incisions using a fine needle or another small, pointed tool. These incisions are the locations where the extracted follicles will be implanted. The surgeon will then delicately insert the follicles into the prepared incisions, taking care to clean and bandage the area for recovery thereafter. In performing this intricate procedure, great attention is paid to implanting the hairs at just the right angle to imitate natural growth. This ensures that the newly transplanted hair integrates seamlessly with the surrounding hair and maintains a pattern consistent with natural growth.

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Why is the FUE Hair Transplant Superior to the FUT Technique?

  • Remarkable, Authentic Appearance: The FUE method produces results that look incredibly natural.
  • Single-Day Procedure: Unlike other methods, the surgery can be completed in just one day.
  • No Need for Stitches: This technique is stitch-free, making the process simpler and recovery quicker.
  • Almost No Scarring: Unlike FUT, the FUE method leaves virtually no visible scars.
  • Quicker Recovery Time: Recovery from FUE surgery is notably swifter compared to FUT.
  • Generally More Cost-Effective: Often, FUE is slightly less expensive than FUT, making it more accessible.
  • Short Hair without Visible Scar: This technique allows for short hairstyles without the worry of a scar showing.
  • Capable of Covering a Larger Area: The FUE method enables coverage of a more extensive area of the scalp.
  • Exceptionally High Success Rate: With an average success rate ranging between 97-100%, the efficacy of this technique is highly regarded.

Who Is the Ideal Candidate?

FUE is particularly advantageous for those grappling with significant hair loss. Individuals who have experienced male pattern baldness or hair loss for more than five years may find substantial benefits from male hair transplant. Furthermore, FUE is an appealing option for those who have not responded positively to traditional medical hair loss treatments.

Specific situations where FUE is recommended include:

  • Front Line or Hairline Transplantation: FUE can exquisitely reshape the front line or hairline, imparting a natural density.
  • Eyebrow Transplantation: FUE can achieve impressive results for those desiring more voluminous and well-defined eyebrows.
  • Beard and Moustache Transplantation: For individuals wishing to enhance or modify their facial hair, FUE stands out as a superb choice.
  • Patients Who Choose Not to Shave: FUE is a fitting option for those who want to bypass shaving prior to the procedure.
  • Patients Seeking Thicker and High-Density Hair in Receding and Balding Areas: FUE is renowned for providing lush, natural-looking hair, making it a favoured option for those wishing to increase density in sparse areas.
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Frequently Asked Questions

If you require more information on Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), please read our most frequently asked questions:

The term “follicular unit” denotes a cluster of one to four robust hairs that originate from the scalp. In the FUE method, these units are individually extracted from the back and sides of the scalp. The primary goal of this procedure is to gather these follicles and relocate them to regions on the scalp that have experienced hair loss. This facilitates the growth of new hair in those specific areas.

The follicular units are collected in a random pattern from the scalp’s rear and sides. The hair restoration surgeon creates small circular incisions around the hairs and subsequently removes them from the scalp. Once an adequate number of follicular units have been gathered, they are meticulously implanted one by one into the designated target regions.

The FUE hair transplant provides various advantages, such as:

  1. Due to the use of tiny incisions, scarring is minimal.
  2. The small extraction sites heal rapidly, facilitating a swift recovery.
  3. Activity restrictions during the recovery phase are fewer.
  4. You can opt for short hair styles without concern about a linear scar on the scalp’s back.
  5. The post-operative period with FUE typically involves less discomfort compared to the FUT method.

Results from an FUE procedure can become apparent around three months after the treatment, while complete results may become noticeable within 8-12 months or more. Our medical professionals will be readily accessible during the entire post-operative phase to address any queries that may arise. We might also propose additional treatments to expedite healing and enhance hair growth.

FUE is a meticulously performed surgical technique that eliminates the need for scalpels, stitches, or staples. This minimally invasive procedure can generally be accomplished comfortably within a single day. The recuperation period for FUE is significantly swifter than that of previous hair transplant methods, resulting in minimal scarring and accelerated healing. The procedure employs a durable local anesthetic, and any slight pain or discomfort stemming from it can be effectively managed with over-the-counter pain relief medication. In a matter of a few days, most patients are able to resume their regular activities.

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